ESG Platforms: Automated sustainability with osapiens: Efficient implementation of the EU Green Deal requirements for 2025


Online webinar


The constantly growing number of EU regulations, such as EUDR, CSRD or LkSG/CSDDD, presents companies with ever greater challenges. Data requirements are increasing, implementation is becoming more complex, and isolated solutions that only cover individual regulations further increase the technical, administrative and financial burden.

2025 requires new approaches: This is exactly where innovative solutions such as the osapiens HUB comes into play. Our holistic ESG platform offers solutions that cover all important ESG regulations – efficient, legally compliant and future-proof. By using modern technologies such as AI and automation, the osapiens HUB not only allows you to manage the flood of data, but also integrates it into existing processes for a seamless process.

Find out in this webinar:

Which ESG regulations you can expect in 2025 and how you can optimally prepare.

How a holistic approach reduces complexity and eases the path to compliance.

Why a central data source with integrated AI and automation is the key technology for efficiency and legal compliance.

Register now and discover how the osapiens HUB can support  you and business in 2025.

Our experts

Stefan Wawrzinek

CO-Founder & COO