osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy

Empowering Sustainable Investments and Compliance with the EU Green Deal 

The osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy helps investors, companies and regulators to identify and promote green investments. By enabling the planning and financing of climate transition strategies, it drives capital towards sustainable business models and supports the EU's goal of climate neutrality by 2050. 

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EU Taxonomy: The Key to Sustainable Investments 

The EU Taxonomy is a cornerstone of the European Union's sustainability agenda and is designed to guide investment towards environmentally sustainable economic activities. It provides a clear framework for identifying activities that contribute significantly to environmental goals, while ensuring that other goals are not significantly compromised. By establishing standardized criteria, the EU Taxonomy empowers companies and investors to support the transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable economy by catalyzing a shift toward greener business practices and investments. 

Who is affected? 

All companies subject to sustainability reporting under the CSRD are also required to comply with the EU Taxonomy. This includes disclosure of the proportion of revenue, CapEx and OpEx derived from taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned activities. The Regulation applies to large companies, listed SMEs and financial institutions operating in the EU, ensuring broad coverage across all industries. 

How CSRD and EU Taxonomy are linked 

CSRD and EU Taxonomy are closely related and form the backbone of the EU's sustainable finance strategy. Both are critical elements of the Green Deal, with shared goals of reducing CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. While the CSRD focuses on corporate sustainability reporting, the EU Taxonomy defines which economic activities are considered environmentally sustainable, ensuring consistency in disclosure and accountability. 

Features of our Solution

Compliance made simple 

Ensure alignment with minimum safeguards 

The osapiens HUB helps you meet the basic requirements of the EU Taxonomy, ensuring that your activities do not cause significant harm and comply with regulatory standards. 

Clear identification 

Identify eligible economic activities 

Easily identify which of your business activities fall under the EU taxonomy to focus on sustainable growth and compliance. 


Improve transparency 

Structure and organize your eligible activities 

Systematically structure your activities to improve visibility and demonstrate your impact on sustainability goals. 

Seamless financial integration 

Connect financial data to sustainability efforts 

Incorporate revenue, CapEx, and OpEx data into your compliance processes, bridging the gap between economic performance and environmental goals. 

Comprehensive Assessment 

Evaluate against technical screening criteria 

Assess whether your activities substantially contribute to environmental goals and avoid significant harm (DNSH). 

Accurate calculations 

Determine taxonomy alignment 

Calculate the proportion of your activities that are taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned to inform reporting and strategy. 

Simplified reporting 

Generate taxonomy KPIs with ease 

Create detailed KPIs for revenue, CapEx, and OpEx that integrate directly into your CSRD reports. 

Progress tracking 

Monitor and improve alignment 

Track your compliance journey, identify gaps, and develop actionable strategies for future alignment. 

Smart data integration 

Leverage existing data for efficiency 

Connect the osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy with the osapiens HUB for CSRD to streamline processes and reduce repetitive tasks. 

Clear identification 

Identify eligible economic activities 

Easily identify which of your business activities fall under the EU taxonomy to focus on sustainable growth and compliance. 

Benefits of our solution

The core elements of the osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy enable structured and efficient identification, assessment, and reporting of eligible activities. By streamlining processes through automation and seamless integration, the solution ensures transparency, compliance, and a competitive edge in the journey toward sustainability. 


Streamline compliance processes 

Automation minimizes manual effort, enabling faster and more efficient alignment with EU taxonomy requirements while ensuring full compliance. 


Simplified Regulatory Complexity 

The osapiens HUB translates complex technical criteria into clear, actionable steps, making it easier for your team to navigate sustainability regulations. 


Increased transparency 

Gain a clear view of your taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned activities to monitor your organization's impact and identify areas for improvement. 


Efficient data integration 

Seamlessly connect the osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy to the HUB for CSRD, reducing duplication of effort and ensuring consistent, accurate reporting. 


Proactive monitoring 

Track your compliance journey and gain actionable insights to improve sustainability alignment and meet future regulatory requirements. 


Scalable and Flexible 

Designed to meet the needs of companies of all sizes, the solution adapts to your business needs, regardless of the size of your operations. 

Learn more about EU Taxonomy

Establish seamless compliance with osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy.

The osapiens HUB for EU Taxonomy helps investors, companies and regulators to clearly identify and promote green investments.

Trusted by hundreds of companies from all industries


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