The ESG platform
to make an impact

osapiens is the ESG platform that helps you comply with all ESG regulations. It helps you mitigate risk, simplify manual processes through automation, and create transparency and efficiency to gain actionable insights – and make an impact.

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Discover the ESG solutions that are relevant for your industry

EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)
The automated solution from farm to market, to comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation, reduce deforestation and protect biodiversity.
Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
Calculate your corporate carbon footprint Scopes 1, 2, 3: Gain clarity on your carbon emissions, prepare for your CO2 reduction and reporting journey.
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Our ESG solution supports you through the CSRD reporting journey - from double materiality assessment to target setting to ESG disclosure.
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD)
Fully meet the requirements of the EU Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (CSDDD): digital, automatic and legally compliant.
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Our CBAM solution ensures structured and efficient control and assessment of emissions as part of the import process for your goods.
German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
Fully meet the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG): digital, automatic and legally compliant.
From presales planning to direct delivery to retail stores and van sales, our solution turns distribution into a well-organized and customer-focused process.
Double Materiality Assessment (DMA)
Our ESG solution supports you through the CSRD reporting journey - from double materiality assessment to target setting to ESG disclosure.
Authentication & Engagement
Inform, build trust and create customer touch points. Enable your customers to check and engage with your products.
Norwegian Transparency Act (NTA)
Fully implement the requirements of the Norwegian Transparency Act (NTA) with our Due Diligence solution, and meet your due diligence obligations along your supply chains.
osapiens HUB for Maintenance
Our maintenance solution gives asset-intensive businesses the tools they need to optimizes the use, availability, and lifetime of assets and equipment.
osapiens HUB for Sanction Lists Screening
Get real-time and continuous information on the status of your suppliers. Our solution monitors a number of official sanctions lists and informs you if a supplier is affected.
Track & Trace Tobacco (TPD)
Whether you manufacture or distribute tobacco products, our industry-leading solution can help you track and trace your products and comply with the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).
Swiss Supply Chain Act (VSoTr)
Fully implement the requirements of the Swiss Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (VSoTr) with our Due Diligence solution, and meet your due diligence obligations along your supply chains.
osapiens HUB for Service
Our service solution connects customers with field service teams and automates time-consuming tasks to resolve issues faster and improve overall customer satisfaction.
osapiens 1ID+ enables anti-counterfeiting, product traceability and mobile access to data based on standardised marking of items and packaging with a unique code.
Track & Trace Food
Quality management, regulations and customer requirements increase the need for valid product data. Use our GS1 standards-based solution to increase transparency in the supply chain.
Track & Trace Municipality Inventory Management
Use our serialization software to gain transparency, track your road signs and street furniture, know what needs to be replaced and document the safety inspections required by law.
Whistleblower Protection
Fulfil the EU whistleblower protection laws and provide a secure channel for reporting potential violation of EU law or social and environmental risk
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation (REACH)
The requirements of the REACH are fully addressed and offered as a sub solution of our due diligence solution. Simply activate that option and meet your due diligence obligations along you supply chain.
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)
The requirements of the RoHS are fully addressed and offered as a sub solution in our due diligence solution. Simply activate that option and meet your due diligence obligations along your supply chain.

Our ESG solution highlights

With all solutions on one platform, osapiens becomes a one-stop-shop for ESG regulation

Discover our software solutions tailored to the specific needs of your industry and organization. Our solutions ensure transparency and efficiency across the value chain to meet ESG regulatory requirements, drive corporate sustainability and take your corporate ESG strategy to the next level.



The automated solution from farm to market, to comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation, reduce deforestation and protect biodiversity.
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Our ESG solution supports you through the CSRD reporting journey - from double materiality assessment to target setting to ESG disclosure.
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Fully meet the requirements of the EU Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (CSDDD): digital, automatic and legally compliant.
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ESG Regulation Timeline

At osapiens, we strive to stay ahead of the key developments in corporate responsibility and sustainability. Our timeline provides an overview of significant regulations and initiatives from 2017 to 2026, focusing on due diligence, transparency, and sustainability reporting. Feel free to reach out if you wish to discuss these regulations, add further dates, or seek support in meeting your compliance and disclosure requirements!

France's Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law
EU Taxonomy Regulation
Norwegian Supply Chain Transparency Act
EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
EU Battery Regulation
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)
In Discussion
EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
In Discussion
Belgian Vigilance Proposal
In Discussion
Austrian Motion for a Resolution on Supply Chain

EU Whistleblowing Directive

Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency regarding Minerals and Metals from Conflict Areas and Child Labour (VSoTr)

German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG)

EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)

EU Digital Product Passport (DPP)

In Discussion
Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Act

In Discussion
Finnish Memorandum on National Due Diligence Obligation

Customer voices

osapiens HUB for EUDR

La sfida più grande è ottenere informazioni ed eseguire una corretta valutazione del rischio. Intendiamo semplificare questi processi con una soluzione software integrata che funzioni perfettamente con i nostri sistemi attuali. In questo modo sarà più facile ottenere i dati relativi alla geolocalizzazione e alla “data di registrazione (del legno)” e generare automaticamente una dichiarazione di due diligence conforme alla legge. 

Klaus Mecklinger
Head | Quality Assurance - Hama GmbH & Co KG
osapiens HUB for EUDR

By collaborating with osapiens, we aim to strengthen NKG’s position as a leading green coffee service provider. This partnership will increase efficiency and maximize value creation by enhancing our business relatonships. Additionally, it will ensure the best possible and streamlined preparation for EUDR compliance across our entire group.


Ruben Scholz
osapiens HUB for EUDR

The biggest challenge is obtaining information and performing a proper risk assessment. We plan to simplify these processes with an integrated software solution that works seamlessly with our current systems. This will make it easier to obtain geolocation and ‘date of (wood) logging’ data and automatically generate a legally compliant due diligence statement.

Klaus Mecklinger
Head | Quality Assurance at Hama GmbH & Co KG
osapiens HUB for EUDR

In qualità di uno dei maggiori rivenditori di generi alimentari in Germania, con oltre 15.000 fornitori, ci affidiamo a una partnership solida con una soluzione efficiente. Con l’aiuto di osapiens HUB e in sinergia con la soluzione osapiens Track & Trace, abbiamo già automatizzato con successo la legge LkSG e successivamente integrato osapiens HUB for EUDR. La piattaforma osapiens ci facilita nel gestire le sfide normative in modo efficiente, nell’automatizzare i processi in modo strutturato e nel garantire una completa conformità ESG. 

Anke Richly
Compliance Management & IT-Organization - Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
osapiens HUB for Maintenance

È stato molto utile per noi il supporto di osapiens nell’implementazione dei nostri progetti di digitalizzazione nelle aree della lettura dei contatori, della sostituzione dei contatori e dell’introduzione dei contatori intelligenti. Il team ha dimostrato una profonda comprensione di questi processi complessi, il che ha portato al successo dei nostri progetti. Grazie agli sviluppi di osapiens, siamo riusciti ad automatizzare e ottimizzare i processi. Apprezziamo il supporto dedicato e la collaborazione del team di osapiens. Ci auguriamo di raggiungere insieme ulteriori traguardi e di realizzare progetti di successo. 

Roger Büchler
Head of SAP CRM/CX & SAP for Utilities, ewz
osapiens HUB for Maintenance

Con la soluzione Mobile Workplace Management siamo riusciti a fare un grande passo avanti verso la gestione automatizzata dei processi. La competenza, l’impegno e il contributo estremamente utile dei dipendenti di osapiens ci hanno aiutato a stabilire un nuovo standard all’interno di Energie Wasser Bern. Apprezziamo la collaborazione e ci auguriamo di poter continuare a collaborare con successo con osapiens. 

Stefan Zaugg
Head of Metrology & Calibration Office, ewb
osapiens HUB for Distribution & Maintenance

La collaborazione con osapiens è stata un’esperienza positiva per la nostra azienda. Le loro soluzioni innovative e il loro supporto eccezionale non solo hanno soddisfatto, ma hanno superato le nostre aspettative, aprendo così la strada a una partnership di successo. 

Pradeep Dalal
Product Diretor - Planning and Execution - CONA Services
osapiens HUB for Engagement

Vogliamo inviare un messaggio e porre fine all’incertezza del mercato causata dalla pirateria di prodotti e marchi. Vogliamo stroncare sul nascere qualsiasi tentativo di mettere in circolazione prodotti di dubbia provenienza. Ecco perché le confezioni dei nostri prodotti, di comprovata qualità Schaeffler, sono dotate di un’etichetta di sicurezza. 

Michael Söding
Chairman Automotive Aftermarket – Schaeffler AG
osapiens HUB for Track & Trace

La protezione del prodotto e del marchio, e quindi la protezione dalla contraffazione dei prodotti, è di estrema importanza per i fornitori di ricambi di marchio. Le misure del codice MAPP garantiscono il massimo livello di sicurezza per il nostro portafoglio prodotti. Il fatto che i principali fornitori del settore automobilistico abbiano unito le forze sottolinea l’importanza di questa iniziativa. 

Peter Wagner
Vice President Independent Aftermarket at Continental
osapiens HUB for Track & Trace

osapiens ftrace mi dà la possibilità di fornire ai miei partner commerciali le informazioni desiderate sulla qualità e l’origine dei prodotti con la semplice pressione di un tasto. Questo semplifica il processo di comunicazione per me e allo stesso tempo aumenta la sicurezza dei consumatori fornendo le informazioni specifiche sui lotti nei punti vendita. 

Daniel Christen
Managing Director - Lee Fish Europe AG
osapiens HUB for Track & Trace

Con osapiens ftrace, abbiamo un partner per garantire la tracciabilità dei nostri prodotti nella catena di approvvigionamento a monte e a valle. La trasparenza dei dati ci aiuta a migliorare il benessere degli animali e la sostenibilità della catena di produzione e di approvvigionamento. 

Dr. Anne Hiller
Specialist veterinarian for food hygiene, Director Quality Assurance Germany
osapiens HUB for Track & Trace

osapiens, con il suo osapiens HUB for Track & Trace, ci ha aiutato con la conformità alla direttiva TPD, dalla concezione fino all’implementazione finale e al supporto continuo. Nonostante le numerose sfide tecniche e organizzative, siamo riusciti a mantenere la conformità e a fornire alle autorità dell’Unione Europea la qualità prevista per il reporting completo. 

Apostolos Couvaras
Senior Manager, Corporate Logistics Solution &amp, Innovation - Lekkerland AG & Co. KG
osapiens HUB for LKSG

Bartels-Langness Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (Bela) è uno dei maggiori rivenditori di generi alimentari in Germania ed è operativo come azienda a conduzione familiare in diverse aree commerciali in tutta la Germania. Con oltre 10.000 dipendenti e più di 15.000 fornitori, la legge tedesca LkSG rappresenta una sfida importante. Per questo motivo, è particolarmente importante per noi concentrarci su partnership valide e resistenti. L’osapiens HUB è una tecnologia all’avanguardia che ci aiuta ad automatizzare molte fasi manuali e ad eseguirle in modo completamente integrato e digitale. 

Florian Behrens
CIO - Bartels-Langness

    Upcoming events & webinars

    Stay Ahead of EUDR Compliance: A comprehensive guide on how to handle the EU's Due Diligence Mandate



    Ottobre 2, 2024
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    Navigating EUDR Compliance with Ansell: Impact on the MedTech Supply Chain



    Ottobre 8, 2024
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    Navigating EUDR Compliance with Bayer: Impact on the Biopharma Supply Chain



    Ottobre 9, 2024
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    The osapiens HUB:
    Achieve ESG Compliance easily and quickly, and turn your data into a strategic advantage

    Transparency - Efficiency - Impact

    Europe is renowned for its high quality of life, characterized by clean air and water, safety, affordable healthcare and education, human rights and liberties, and low corruption; collectively referred to as ESG (Environment, Social, Governance). The EU has established numerous ESG regulations to preserve these standards, creating additional administrative burdens and bureaucracy for companies. 
 To simplify compliance with these complex ESG regulations, we created the osapiens HUB, a multi-tenant SaaS platform that leverages innovative technologies such as AI to streamline the collection, management, and reporting of ESG data. Companies can choose from various software solutions to meet current and future regulations and requirements efficiently.


    Environmental criteria consider a company’s performance as a steward of nature. Protection of the environment plays a key role for ESG compliance. In multiple regulations, such as the EU Regulation on Deforestation-free Products (EUDR) or the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF), companies are required to establish eco-friendly procedures. With the osapiens HUB you will have an automated and user-friendly experience while complying with such regulations.


    Social criteria examine how a company manages relationships with its employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities which it operates in. EU Regulations, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) or the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG), underline the importance of human rights and fair working conditions along the entire supply chain. osapiens’ state of the art software solutions help your business to ensure human rights all through your value chain.


    Governance covers issues such as corporate leadership, executive remuneration, auditing, internal controls and shareholder rights. Implementing EU regulations as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in an efficient and compliant manner can be quite challenging. Fortunately, the osapiens HUB is here to help. Our comprehensive software solutions not only enable you to comply with these regulations, but also help your business achieve sustainable growth and impact.

    The tech behind the ‍osapiens HUB platform

    osapiens HUB is enhanced with five different engines to fit perfectly to your businesses needs. We continually improve and support these engines with state-of-the-art practices. Learn more how our technology can improve your supply chain.

    Discover osapiens technology

    Useful resources to learn more about osapiens

    OSAPIENS White Paper

    Master CSRD for your Business

    Get insights on the reporting requirements and best approach to ESG reporting. Understand how double materiality assessment can be utilized as strategic opportunity and discover the 5 steps towards your CSRD journey.



    Navigating the EU Deforestation Regulation

    Comprehensive Guide to Compliance Preparation for EUDR.



    The Impact of the CSRD on Maintenance Departments

    Learn how to solve the operational challenges in maintenance while contributing to the sustainable growth of your company.



    osapiens insights webinar or LkSG and CSRD

    Learn how the requirements of LkSG and CSRD interact, how the data collected as part of due diligence can be incorporated into sustainability reporting .

    Become more sustainable, transparent, and efficient with osapiens HUB

    Please fill out the form, so that one of our experts can get in touch with you.
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