Operations Efficiency

True operational efficiency at all levels

Ensure operational efficiency at every level of your business. Our operational solutions help organisations identify opportunities for growth and improvement, increase revenue and ensure sustainable success.


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Highlights of our solutions


Visibility across the board

Track operations from start to finish. Identify bottlenecks, make informed decisions and adjust workflows as needed.

Eliminate manual processes

Connect your processes and automate tasks so you can better utilise resources and maintain productivity.

Clear communication

Give all stakeholders access to the same shared information. Reduce misunderstandings, build trust and accelerate business growth.

Positive impact on planet earth

Efficiency is not only a smart business move, it is also a responsible choice. It saves resources, reduces waste and extends the life of materials used.

Our solutions at a glance

osapiens HUB for Maintenance

Assets up, costs down

Our maintenance solution gives asset-intensive businesses the tools they need to optimizes the use, availability, and lifetime of assets and equipment.
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osapiens HUB for Service

‍Rewarding field service - from request to fullfillment

Our service solution connects customers with field service teams and automates time-consuming tasks to resolve issues faster and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Discover our solution

osapiens HUB for Distribution

Deliver more, on every trip

From presales planning to direct delivery to retail stores and van sales, our solution turns distribution into a well-organized and customer-focused process.
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Relevant links


Corporate Carbon Footprint: Transparency as a driver for climate protection

The Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) is a measure of a company’s carbon footprint. It also serves as a strategic tool for investors to assess the impact of climate risks in the business model.

CSDDD – Standardised EU supply chain law instead of a patchwork of national regulations

On 15 March 2024, the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive was adopted in the EU. This regulation creates a framework for the global protection of the environment and human rights along the supply chain.

Understanding and implementing CBAM

In order to counteract the persistently high risk of carbon leakage to third countries due to higher European carbon prices, the European Commission has introduced a mechanism for adjusting CO2 limits – the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – from 1 October 2023. Companies in the EU that import iron, steel,cement, aluminium, electricity, fertilisers or hydrogen in pure or processed form from non-EU countries will have to report all imports separately on a quarterly basis and make a compensation payment in the form of CBAM certificates.

Get started now

Find out more about our solutions in a demo tailored to your needs. We are here to help.
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