Download the book CSRD implementation for dummies now

Gain a clear understanding of ESG legislation and the complex world of acronyms.

Discover the depth and importance of CSRD and how to achieve compliant reporting with the osapiens HUB.

Learn practical strategies to turn sustainability and ESG into opportunities for your business and ensure long-term profitability.


Look at the table of contents:

Book content at a glance


Part I: Many good reasons for sustainability and CSRD in companies

Chapter 1:

You can't stand on one leg: The three pillars of sustainability (ESG)

Chapter 2:

What sustainability has to do with digitization

Chapter 3:

Using sustainability for competitive advantage

Part II: The maze of statutory sustainability guidelines.

Chapter 4:

Now it really gets going: The Green Deal and the EU taxonomy

Chapter 5:

Where the goods come from: The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Chapter 6:

The supply chain from an EU perspective: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Chapter 7:

Let's save the forests: EU regulation for deforestation-free supply chains (EUDR)

Chapter 8:

Green Claims Directive (GCD)

Chapter 9:


Chapter 10:

From the NFRD to the CSR-Rug, and then to the CSRD

Chapter 11:

Game On: The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

Part III: CSRD implementation in five steps with the osapiens HUB for CSRD

Chapter 12:

The pioneering spirit of our time

Chapter 13:

Step 1 - From kick-off to DMA and back

Chapter 14:

Step 2: From the IROs to the DMA

Chapter 15:

Step 3 - Assigning guidelines, measures and targets to the IROs

Chapter 16:

Step 4 - Shaping the future: From the sustainability report to the new corporate strategy

Chapter 17:

Step 5 - One more time: Establishing sustainability management and review processes

Part IV: The top ten part

Chapter 18:

The ten most important reasons for implementing the CSRD

Chapter 19:

Ten interviews with osapiens HUB customers and partners

Chapter 20:

The ten best tips to avoid failing with CSRD implementation

Chapter 21:

The ten most important websites for CSRD and sustainability
in companies

Part V: Appendix


List of Figures