Company News

Die EU-Entwaldungsverordnung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheitsbranche

Ganzen Artikel lesen
4. Juni 2024

Legal Update – Graf von Westphalen, Mai 2024

Ganzen Artikel lesen
29. Mai 2024

Das EU-Lieferkettengesetz kommt – das müssen Unternehmen jetzt wissen 

Ganzen Artikel lesen
27. Mai 2024
Company News

Corporate Carbon Footprint: Transparenz als Motor des Klimaschutzes

Ganzen Artikel lesen
25. März 2024
Company News

CSDDD – Einheitliches EU-Lieferkettenrecht statt Flickenteppich nationaler Regelungen

Ganzen Artikel lesen
19. März 2024
Company News

CBAM verstehen und umsetzen

Ganzen Artikel lesen
2. Februar 2024
Company News

4 Wichtige Überlegungen zum Verständnis und zur Einhaltung der EUDR

Ganzen Artikel lesen
24. Januar 2024
Company News

Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) – Rückblick und Zukunftsstrategien

Ganzen Artikel lesen
7. Januar 2024
Company News

Transparenz auf Geschäftspartnerebene– mit unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit langfristiges Wachstum schaffen

Ganzen Artikel lesen
14. Dezember 2023
Company News

EU-Verordnung über entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten (EUDR) – ein kurzer Überblick

Ganzen Artikel lesen
27. November 2023
Company News

Corporate Sustainability für Unternehmen – der Weg in eine ESG-konforme Zukunft

Ganzen Artikel lesen
12. November 2023
Event Info

Auf dem Weg in eine vernetzte Zukunft – osapiens erwirbt Certirex

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

osapiens AssetOps GmbH geht an den Start.

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

osapiens wird als das vielversprechendste Startup in Mannheim für das Jahr 2020 ausgezeichnet

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

osapiens CEO Alberto Zamora wird Mitglied des Europäischen Wirtschaftssenats

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

osapiens in La Liga

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

osapiens eröffnet neuen Firmensitz im Mafinex Technologiezentrum in Mannheim

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Event Info

Der deutsche Bundespräsident erfährt von osapiens

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Company News

Die Richtlinie über Tabakerzeugnisse (TPD) ist in Kraft. osapiens klarer Marktführer in allen 27 EU-Ländern.

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023
Event Info

Zertifikatskurs: Zertifizierter Menschenrechtsbeauftragter (HZA) – Kooperation zwischen osapiens und der Hamburger Zollakademie

Ganzen Artikel lesen
21. Juli 2023

    In den Medien


    Wie sich die Beschaffung auf CSRD, CSDDD & Co. vorbereitet

    Beschaffung aktuell
    26. März 2024
    Auch wenn die zweite Welle der Lieferkettengesetzgebung für Unternehmen in Deutschland gerade erst zum Jahreswechsel begonnen hat, wird das Thema Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung weiter an Relevanz gewinnen. Mit der Europäischen Richtlinie über entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten (EUDR) und der EU-Nachhaltigkeitsrichtlinie (CSRD) stehen weitere ESG-Gesetze vor der Tür, die Unternehmen kurz- bis mittelfristig zum Handeln zwingen werden.

    Rechtskonformität per Mausklick

    Lebensmittel Praxis
    2. Februar 2024
    Das Gesetz über die Sorgfaltspflicht in der Lieferkette soll soziale Verbesserungen in der Wertschöpfungskette bewirken, ist aber auch mit viel Arbeit verbunden. Der dänische Discounter Netto setzt auf das digitale Tool von osapiens.

    Meldepflichten: Mannheimer Start-up hilft im Kampf gegen Bürokratiemonster

    DVZ Deutsche Verkehrszeitung
    3. Januar 2024
    Seit dem Jahreswechsel müssen immer mehr Unternehmen die Anforderungen des deutschen Lieferketten-Nachhaltigkeitsgesetzes (LkSG) und der europäischen CSRD erfüllen. Matthias Jungblut, Gründer von Osapiens, ist überzeugt, dass die Automatisierung die einzige Möglichkeit ist, die geforderten Berichte zu vertretbaren Kosten zu erstellen.

    Interview with Matthias Jungblut, Osapiens – „The EU regulation for deforestation-free supply chains affects a large number of companies“

    8. Dezember 2023
    The „EU Deforestation-free Regulation“ EUDR will come into force from December 2024. It is intended to minimise the risk of products circulating in the European Union that cause forest damage at the start of their supply chain. Matthias Jungblut, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer of Osapiens, a platform specialising in ESG software, explains the details.

    Armira Growth invests 25 Million Euro in osapiens
    4. Oktober 2023
    Armira Growth invests €25 million in Mannheim-based software company osapiens to support its growth and development of sustainable supply chain solutions.

    Greentech start-up osapiens receives €25m for optimising sustainable supply chains

    greentech LIVE
    4. Oktober 2023
    osapiens, a supply chain transparency scaleup based in Mannheim, Germany, has closed a first financing round of 25 million euros.

    osapiens raises 25 million

    deutsche startups
    29. September 2023
    Armira Growth, part of the Munich-based investment holding Armira, invests 25 million euros in osapiens.

    ESG software: Osapiens raises €25 million investment from Armira Growth

    28. September 2023
    Mannheim-based software company Osapiens announced its first financing round of €25 million from Armira Growth, part of Munich-based investment holding Armira, on 27 September.

    Company osapiens secures 25 million euros

    28. September 2023
    The young Mannheim-based company Osapiens, which develops software for monitoring supply chains, has raised 25 million euros in fresh venture capital.

    Armira Growth invests €25 million in ESG software pioneer osapiens
    27. September 2023
    Mannheim-based software company osapiens today announces its first financing round of €25 million from Armira Growth, part of Munich-based investment holding Armira.

    osapiens creates transparency in supply chains with AI

    Lebensmittel Zeitung
    22. September 2023
    The IT service provider osapiens wants to increase the transparency of supply chains in the FMCG industry. The solution automates many otherwise manual sustainability control tasks via a digital hub.

    Making supply chains digital, sustainable and legally compliant

    CRZ Zeitschrift für Corporate Responsibility & Recht in der Lieferkette
    22. September 2023
    Globalised markets, complex production chains, the coronavirus pandemic and ever-changing geopolitical challengesIn recent years, numerous factors have steadily increased the risk of human rights abuses and environmental pollution in global supply chains.

    The days of hesitation are gone

    IT Mittelstand
    28. März 2023
    It’s getting serious: after a lot of discussion, the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) came into force at the beginning of the year. Stefan Wawrzinek, Chief Operations Officer and co-founder of the Mannheim-based software company Osapiens, explains in a commentary why he sees not only more work but also opportunities for SMEso

    GS1 hands F-Trace to high-tech company Osapiens

    Lebensmittel Zeitung
    3. März 2023
    The industry organisation GS1 Germany has sold 80 per cent of the shares in the traceability platform F-Trace to the young Mannheim-based high-tech company

    What the supply chain act means for your startup – and what you should do now

    23. Dezember 2022
    Yes, the Supply Chain Act brings new obligations and additional bureaucracy. But the challenges are manageable and

    How companies can track supply chains

    21. Oktober 2022
    Global supply bottlenecks from small chips for dishwashers to giant turbines for ships: In times of crisis, the extent of transnational interdependencies becomes visible. The Mannheim-based start-up „Osapiens“ provides software for the transparency of supply chains.

    How Baden-Württemberg wants to inspire the entrepreneurial spirit

    Badische Neueste Nachrichten
    27. September 2022
    Baden-Württemberg is becoming more visible on the start-up map. However, the state government still sees significant potential for improvement. What it wants to do about it.

    “Solutions for a global problem”: Mannheim’s osapiens win the German Founder’s Award

    15. September 2022
    The winners of the renowned German Founder’s Award were honored in Berlin. The start-up osapiens from the square city was also among the winners. What they do:

    German Founder’s Award: Sustainable solutions win

    15. September 2022
    “Almost too good to be true”: a plastic alternative made from grain waste. The startup Traceless won the prize in the startup category. The other prize winners also dedicate themselves to the problems of our time.

    Sustainability wins the 20th German Business Founder Award

    14. September 2022
    Sustainability won the German Founder’s Prize, awarded for the 20th time on Sept. 13, 2022, at the ZDF capital studio in Berlin.

    Mannheim-based company wins German Founder’s Award

    SWR Aktuell
    14. September 2022
    The young Mannheim-based company osapiens has won the German Founder’s Award in the category „Rising Star of the Year“. The prize was presented in Berlin on Tuesday evening.

    20th German Business Founder Award: Focus on sustainability for the anniversary

    United Networker
    14. September 2022
    The anniversary edition of the German Founders‘ Award yesterday [Sept. 13, 2022]

    German Founder’s Award: What the osapiens founders from Mannheim say after the award ceremony

    Mannheimer Morgen
    14. September 2022
    The software start-up osapiens from Mafinex has brought the prestigious German Founder’s Prize to Mannheim for the first time. But not only the founding team is happy about the award

    Osapiens from Mannheim wins German Founder Award

    Mannheimer Morgen
    13. September 2022
    The young company makes supply chains transparent – and wins a prize

    Osapiens from Mannheim keeps an eye on supply chains

    Mannheimer Morgen
    9. September 2022
    Next Tuesday, one of the most important awards in business will be presented in Berlin: the German Founder’s Award. Two nominees are from the region: Aleph Alpha

    What the new LkSG means for the health care system
    17. August 2022
    The Supply Chain Due Dilligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – LkSG), which will come into force in January 2023 and oblige companies to provide greater transparency along the supply


    16. August 2022
    How are German companies now dealing with the numerous requirements of the legislators in the crucial preparation and

    Survey: German companies view supply chain law positively

    25. Juli 2022
    According to a survey by Osapiens and the BMZ, 73 percent of respondents see the implementation of the law as an

    „Many clinics underestimate the challenge of LkSG“

    19. Juli 2022
    It’s a word monster, but the majority of German hospitals apparently view the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz –

    German Business Founder Award 2022: Promising finalists from the logistics sector

    Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung
    21. Juni 2022
    The finalists for the German Founder’s Award 2022 have been determined.

    Two companies nominated for German Business Founder Award

    16. Juni 2022
    Two companies from Heidelberg and Mannheim have been nominated for the German Founders‘ Award.

    Mannheim-based start-up and Mexi winner: osapiens nominated for German Founders‘ Award

    Mannheim Stadt im Quadrat
    16. Juni 2022
    Making global supply chains digital and thus more transparent, predictable and trustworthy.

    German Founder Award 2022 – young Mannheim software company in the finals

    15. Juni 2022
    Making global supply chains digital and thus more transparent, predictable and trustworthy – for this mission and its

    Companies from Mannheim and Heidelberg nominated for German Business Founder Award

    Mannheimer Morgen
    15. Juni 2022
    Rhine-Neckar. The finalists for the German Founders Award 2022 have been

    Making supply chains more digital

    7. Juni 2022
    According to Matthias Friese, Managing Partner at Xpress Ventures, startups are in an ideal position to „develop the solutions companies need to make their supply

    Against exploitation and war – the ethical dilemma of corporations

    manager magazin
    6. April 2022
    Companies are facing a watershed. Those who disregard ethical standards, environmental and human rights when

    Supply Chain Augmention for transparency and trust

    10. März 2022
    Open borders, globalization movements in society and business, cross-border cooperation and research projects – the internationalization of service can be felt in

    What LkSG compliant software should be able to do

    Beschaffung Aktuell
    27. Januar 2022
    The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is causing German companies to break out in a cold sweat. Having only just come into force, it poses numerous Herculean tasks for purchasing departments, particularly in SMEs, and those who want to comply with the extensive catalogue of BAFA obligations in a legally compliant manner cannot rely on traditional processes and systems.

    Catalyst for digitalisation in purchasing

    18. Januar 2022
    The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), with its extensive catalogue of obligations, poses major challenges, especially for corporate purchasing. Those who want to

    Mannheim: 10+ startups you need to know

    10. Mai 2021
    Start-ups in the square: which startups from Mannheim will you hear about? We asked around in the cultural and economic center of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and summarized the most exciting business ideas in Mannheim: from the mobile wallet app to the online platform for individual travel.

    Legal compliance through digitalisation – a software for the implementation of the LkSG

    LogR, Logistik & Recht
    9. Mai 2021
    The globalisation of international markets, compliance with social and environmental standards and increasing geopolitical

    Transparency in the supply chain: a factor for success

    8. Mai 2021
    The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act poses enormous challenges for companies. An AI-supported solution from osapiens helps with the implementation.

    Digital Shoes

    4. April 2021
    The software company Osapiens wants to generate added value, from shoe production to the metaverse.

    Homo sapiens 4.0

    3. April 2021
    The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act The pandemic was also a driver of economic developments. This is demonstrated by an example from Mannheim, the start-up Osapiens. In just four years, it has developed into a global enormous challenges for companies. An AI-supported solution from osapiens helps with the implementation.

    Start-ups are attracted to Mannheim

    Badische Neueste Nachrichten
    1. April 2021
    Alberto Zamora grabs a cigarette stick and points to a code. Thanks to the special code, the help of a scanner and an innovative technology platform, says the

      Aus unseren sozialen Medien

      Last September, #osapiens won the German Founders Award in the ‚Rising Star‘ category. Today, shortly before the announcement of this year’s winners, we were asked what the last year has brought us. The last 10 months have been exciting, eventful and most of all very successful f...
      In July we are very happy to welcome 12 new osapeers ! Our #newstarters will contribute to osapiens‘ success in the areas of Marketing, Project Management and Development. We’re excited to have each and every one of you as part of our team, as they will enrich our workplace cul...
      Today we celebrate our oFFF 2023 together with family and friends who make this festival even more special. A day filled with exciting, creative and fun activities for youngsters and adults, delicious international food trucks – whether sweet or savoury – and great music from the...

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        Christian Feuring

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