
App Development Engine

Build your own applications: By supporting standard and widely adopted programming languages like ReactJS and ReactNative, your frontend development can easily create their own scripts and define rules & APIs


The problems you solve with our App Development Engine

Enterprises today:
  • cannot find high qualified people capable of abstraction and complex problem-solving
  • can not find enough people with programming skillset and need to train them
Therefore, enterprises should:
  • Limit the work of developers to front-end developments and scripting and leave the heavy lifting to platforms
  • Ensure that they use standard programming languages and no proprietary frameworks where possible

The App Development Engine Highlights

Our App Development engine solves these problems thanks to the following features:

Program on Standards

Use ReactJS, ReactNative, Javascript, Typescript or Python

Cloud Independent

Run on any cloud you use today (AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH) or run it on our cloud

Monitoring & APIs

Rich monitoring functionalities and APIs so that you are in full control

5 Development languages based on standard frameworks

5 Development languages based on standard frameworks: Javascript, ReactJS, ReactNative, Typescript & python. Javascript and Typescript to program Inbound interfaces, outbound interfaces and processing rules ReactJS to program web applications (online only) ReactNative to program mobile apps (online & offline) and Python to program your own AI algorithms. No proprietary programming languages any more.

Simple script and frontend programming

Enable frontend developers to enhance standard osapiens solutions or create new ones in record times and with small teams.

Completely Cloud independent (AWS, Google, Azure, OVH etc.)

Run the Augmentation Hub on any cloud you use today (AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH) or run it on our multi-tenant cloud infrastructure. Single tenants hosted or on premise clouds are also supported.

Monitoring & API Documentation

It comes with rich monitoring functionalities and with well documented APIs so that you are in full control of it. No blackboxes any more.