
Event Streaming Engine

React in real time to any event: Guarantee a continuous flow and interpretation of data. This way you always ensure that the right information is at the right place, at the right time.


The Problems you solve with our Event Streaming Engine

  • Apps can not react to data changes immediately
  • Microservice architectures lack resilient and transparent asynchronous processing capabilities
  • Enterprise backend system can not react to events as they happen. No real-time interactivity possible

The Event Streaming Engine Highlights

The Event Streaming Engine offers range of functionalities. Here are the key three:

Real-time event processing

Allows the osapiens HUB to react to events as they happen in real-time

Real-time app interactivity

Power apps to give users the option to react to data changes immediately

Asynchronous processing

Enable asynchronous processing and a decoupled architecture as required in microservice architectures

Multi-threading event streaming

The Event Streaming Engine is highly scalable and provides messaging, persistence, data integration, and data processing capabilities. Process data in real-time from thousands of sources, aggregate and analyze real-time data streams to make more precise decisions

Flexible definition of rules and workers

Processing rules can be easily programmed in JavaScript and assigned to workers via osapiens HUB configuration.

Rule & Event Monitoring capabilities

The osapiens HUB Event Streaming Engine comes with both, technical and business monitoring. Events and triggered Rules can be fully traced and transparency as well as audit-trial is guaranteed