
IoT Engine

Connect every sensor: Register sensors, filter from trillions of events in milliseconds, monitor and evaluate sensor data in real time and trigger follow-up actions.


The problems you solve with our IoT Engine

  • Enterprises have many sensors that collect petabytes of data in different use cases but  their data lakes lack the business context
  • Without the business context, sensor data is not capable of directly producing any knowledge
  • Onboarding of new sensors and mapping raw data sets in IoT legacy clouds is complex and requires heavy customizations

The IoT Engine Highlights

The IoT engine offers range of functionalities. Here are the key three:

Simple onboarding of things

Onboarding of new sensors (called Things in the osapiens HUB) is simple and fast

Iot Data with context

IoT data is brought in relation with business data, transactional and master data

Data to Knowledge

IoT data with business context is converted into knowledge in real-time

Dynamic attribute definition

It supports dynamic definition of sensor attribute structure as well as automated parameter processing and collection

Cloud scaling of data lake

The osapiens HUB supports automatic scaling of tenant specific data lakes via one time parametrizations

Dynamic onboarding of devices and sensors

It supports automated onboarding of sensors  and devices with bidirectional communication

Bidirectional communication with end devices

The osapiens HUB – IoT Engine also offers bidirectional communication with sensors as well as dynamic definition of communication structure

Dynamic integration into business applications

The osapiens HUB enables the dynamic integration into business applications